Friday, April 07, 2006

Shrimp tank in office... Finally!

After thinking about this for a long time, finally get myself to bring my decommissioned 1 ft tank to office yesterday and set it up. There is more than 1 fish tank in my office and since I'm keeping shrimps (others are keeping freshwater and marine fish), makes a fresh start of keeping fishes in office. Since my cherry shrimp is pregant again, looks like more cherry shrimps are coming and the 1 ft cube may not be able to substain the boiload for too long. Have been thinking of upgrading the tank to at least a 2 ft one but since cannot sell off my rummy nose and white cloud mountain minnow, have to shelf the idea for now. Cannot start a new tank or my wife will "Kill" me. : P I have filled it with water already and just put in a driftwood with singapore and java moss (if I remember correctly) and 2 stones tied with taiwan moss. Will take a picture of it if I can.

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