Friday, April 14, 2006

Rescaping of 2 ft low maintenance planted tank

Got myself to do a clean-up of the 2 ft low maintenance planted tank since it got a bit of BBA infected. Took out and put all the fishes into a pail, pulled out all the plants and drained out most of the water in the tank. Then put the lapis sand in another pail and pour hot water into it until cooled. Then put back the lapis sand, fill up the tank and put back the fishes and start the OHF running. I also added in 3 malayan shrimps as I scare the fishes would bully and eat my cherries. In less than an hour, the water looks clearer but still got some particles floating around. Do not intent to feed my fishes for today to let them get used to the new environment. Below is how the tank looks like now.

I was thinking that my Singapore moss is not growing well might be due to the light tube (too old and I have replaced with a new one) and also positioning of the driftwood (too much inside so light not enough). So I have shifted the driftwood to the front and also the other plants at the side. Also added some black stones as decorations. And added another bogwood with moss. However, it looks empty but does provide more swimming space for the fishes (rummy noses, white cloud minows and a flame platy) inside. No problem found on the fishes so far.

My wife is massaging my back now. Veri shiok! Oops, off topic...

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