Sunday, April 09, 2006

Bought another batch of cherry shrimps

I have just bought a new batch of 25 or is 27 cherry shrimps from a forumer (Coke6218, David if I remember his name correctly). He is a nice guy and had a nice short experience sharing with him. Have emptied most of it in my newly rescaped 2 ft high maintenance planted tank and the rest in my 1 ft cube shrimp tank. Have not seen any attacks from my cardinals and cherry barbs on the cherry shrimps. With some hiding place available, I think they should be fine, as long as I fed my fishes well. There is still some BBA on the java fern that I put in the tank. Would clear it tomorrow as I just remember about it. Coke6128 has also gave me some stalks of spiky moss. That adds to my current collection of Java, Singapore and Taiwan moss. Hopefully I can get it to propagate and enough to tie onto a driftwood.

I have also caught 3 cherries to put in my office. Once they can live until the end of the week since my tank has only run in for 3 days, I would be getting more to be put in my office. It is a bit risky but want to try my luck since I got a season driftwood and some stones with Taiwan moss on it to kick start the BB generation. The moss on the driftwood seems to be infested with algae so need some cleaning crew to do their magic on it.

I have also put all the male guppies into the shallow tank (RHS) to join the female guppies to reduce the bioload in my low maintenace planted tank. Too many fishes in there right now. Also finally did some cleaning of the 2ft low maintenance planted tank glass. Should be doing a major overhaul for this tank soon (may not be this coming weekend as it took me quite a while to get enough rest after doing my previous 2 tanks. : P

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