Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Some good news... Some bad news...

Some bad news first. : (

Borrow my digicam to my mother-in-law so no pictures to post for a while. : ( At least I would still be updating on my tanks.

When I came back to office yesterday, 3/4 of my boraras died. Also left 2/8 cherry shrimps in my office tank now. I think it is due to the water (got fishy smell of my sinking food). Wanted to change water last Friday but need to attend a presentation and missed water change. The tank's glass is also covered with algae or some slimy stuff (quite difficult to clean off the glass). The whole tank was a disaster! : ( Did a major cleaning of the tank yesterday, cleaning the algae on the glass and moss (some got stuck on the moss when cleaned off the glass), changed water and also reposition the filter to allow more space between the driftwood and black sand. Now looks cleaner now but will monitor the situation before getting more fishes and shrimps.

One of my 5 scarlet badis died this morning (the biggest one, I think. Maybe due to old age). Found some cherries feeding on it. It's eyes looks swollen and colour looks pale yesterday. Wanted to take it out but scared it died like the smallest scarlet badis that I took out to properly feed it. So sad to see them go since they look so cute and nice.

Scare that the cardinals would cause harm to the shrimplets and other fish fries in the planted tank, had a hard time taking them out of the planted tank. > _< Now left scarlet badis and boraras in my planted tank now, with cherry shrimps.

Now to get over with the sad news and on with the good news. : )

Bought 3 female badis (at least what I think) from C328, hoping that by chance that they might breed in my tank. Also got a dwarf sword plant to add to my planted tank.

Found a cherry shrimp carrying eggs in my planted tank. That would be the first batch of shrimplets in this planted tank. I'm so excited, Hopefully can see the shrimplets in a few weeks time. May need to get more moss to provide more hiding space for the shrimplets. Hmm.... How do I do it?!? Tank is quite full already... : P Also the plants given to me by steven seems to be growing well but a bit slow (I'm not complaining, less maintenance to me). Saw some runners for the background plants and also my hairgrass.

Also went to Sim Lim Square (SLS) to shop but did not get anything there. Nothing worth to buy for now. Then went to look for loose crystals (like lapis sand size) to put in the IKEA glass vase (intend to have a nano aquarium) but want a different idea (not nature scape which I have been doing) but need to work on it. Finally bought 400g of loose crystals (different colours) and had soak them in the IKEA vase. Then went to get some broken bogwood branches add some small tree effect (will tie moss on it later. Need to soak it and make it sink first). May be keeping 1-2 small fishes in there and maybe cherry shrimps too but fauna not finalised yet. Still on the drawing board phase and see what I have to add on. Will need to do water change weekly for such a small setup.

Would be going to Malaysia (Muar) next weekend (20-21 May 06). Hopefully I can go to the LFS there to check out some equipment and may buy fish back (just find out can be done), if it is worth the effort. My fishes would go hungry for a few days. Hope they don't wipe out all my plants. : P


Diki said...

Thanks for the warning. Not sure it is the same one as mine does not have colour (normal but quite thick glass and heavy) and rectangular/square shape only. Not sure that they can break with the water pressure caused by air stone and water movement. Seen one at Biotope without filter or airstone. I do not intent to have any filter or airstone but as I have mentioned, will do water change weekly or twice a week. Once I get my digicam back will post it in my blog. Mine is currently full of water (soaking my bogwood branches (make them sink) in there with coloured crystals). As a precaution, will put it somewhere where it cause minimum harm if breaks tonight.

Unknown said...

if you were hoping to breed your Dario dario fish then you may want to check out this article