Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Planted tank updates and a lot more ...

I have changed the names for my 2 ft planted tanks to "Planted tank 1" and "Planted tank 2". Since I did not use CO2 for both of them, not right not to put low maintenance tank for the first tank as well and to keep the names short so I can type less. : P

Above is the planted tank 1. Recently rescaped and now looks a little overrun by the hortwort in this tank. Will do trimming coming Monday or when I have time for them within this week (weekend not in SG). Also put in 2 types of new plants (Amazon Swordplant (Echinodorus amazonicus bleheri ) and Ludwigia repens (if I get it correct) into this tank. Can identify there the new plants are??? The Amazon Swordplant is behind the bogwood (background) and Ludwigia repens (2 stalks) are still floating on the water surface (have no idea where to put them). : ( A bit crowded now. Also I have introduced a driftwood with well grown java moss (left side of tank) to replace the old one as the old one is too small and do not provide enough moss growth for shrimplets to hide. Since I saw at least 2 cherry shrimps pregnant, should be releasing their shrimplets by a week or 2. So eager to see my first batch of shrimplets in this 2 ft tank (cannot wait they fill this tank). : ) I also experiment with keeping scarlet badis with shrimplets as they always have an eye on anything that moves. That makes them cute but dangerous to shrimplets. If not much shrimplets for this batch, the scarlet badis will join the guppies or the other crowded planted tank. I want my precious cherry shrimplets! I think I noticed a dead cherry shrimp (overturned on the moss) but at night, I cannot find it anymore. Not sure it was just sleeping or pulled away by some shrimps for their feast! These cleaning crew (cherry shrimps) are fast workers!). Oh, also saw a dead boraras in the tank this morning. Was too busy to catch it out. If still there, will remove it when I get home. I also noticed algae on the glass and wondering should I use a 36W light set instead of a 55W one.

Above is the new look for the planted tank 2. Definitely looks better than the "desert look" previously. Also added the 2 new plants (Amazon swordplant and Ludwigia repens) that I bought from JE217 last Sunday. Behind the hortwort (RHS) are the Ludwigia repens which did not show in this picture. Will post one later with them. I think I should be relocating the hortwort to allow the Ludwigia repens behind it to get better light coverage. The amazon swordplant is placed in front of the inlet of the HOF pump. If they grows well, will hide the ugly pipe fot the pump inlet. This tank is quite crowded with fauna (cherry barb, white cloud mountain minnow, rummy noses, amber tetra, cardinal tetra and malayan shrimps). Looks better right?!? : ) I do not like the rock on the right and intend to put it on the left (too much rocks at the right. Need a better picture of the full tank. Next time...).

This is a close-up picture of the retying of the 2 nana on the driftwood. Took me at least an hour to complete as driftwood too big and not easy to secure the nanas on it with fishing line. Will be trying to tie some moss on the driftwood to complete decorating the driftwood. Hopefullt this time round the moss grows (last time all turn brown due to light not bright enough problem). : ( With so many fishes, you will know what I mean by crowded. Hate the humming noise from the OHF pump. Will replace it with a canister filter or just get another pump instead.

My office tank is undergoing major water change in hope to get the water parameters right again. Still see algae on the glass (just did some clean ups on the glass just now). Also did 80% water change for this tank and will do more water change weekly (or twice a week if I can). The last cherry has given up and died on Tuesday. Now left the sole survivor, my nice coloured boraras. It seems to be able to withstand the harsh conditions that I put it through and I really want to bring it home and redo the tank but resisted the idea. Will keep it there to test the water before I get more boraras to join him (2 more weeks time?).

I have added some spiky moss and mini moss into the 1 ft cube shrimp tank. They are stored in a cylindrical glass vase and cup. I was trying to find out if these moss can grow well in this tank compared to just inside tub beside the window. Main reason is to separate them so I know which is which and also transparent so they can receive light.

The nano tank that I have setup is still waiting for the bogwood branches to stop browning my water before I decide to put in fishes (first in the list is boraras, then scarlet badis, then decide later...). Did a 100% water change yesterday.

My shallow tank is now full (currently have 2 java fern with driftwood on them in there while the taiwan moss is growing well, spreading to occupy more than half of the tank (LFS)) so no place to put in new moss to allow it to grow.

I realise that the taiwan moss tied on the stone is not growing but still green. I think water temp a little high for it to grow. Will put it into the shallow tank or shrimp tank soon. The Singapore moss that I placed beside the window is growing well, but not at a fast rate. May want to try to put it in the shallow tank. Oh dear, shallow tank no space and more and more plants need to go in, should I get another tank?!? Hmm... Maybe try to occupy other tanks first. See how. Anyone got FOC small tank to give away??? At least keep it small my wife would nag me that much, I think. : )

Was at C328 yesterday. Found quite a few of clown killies there. Quite tempted to buy but resisted the temptation. Do not intend to increase my bioload for my tanks if I can help it. Office tank not ready yet. : ( Selling 1 for $1. They also sell kuhli loaches at $0.50 per pc. Smaller than the ones I have got but still ok. These are not easily found fishes so grab them before they are gone! Was at Biotope some days back and saw some boraras which their colours are showing well but a little big. Also stopped myself from getting any there. Once my office tank is ready, will then decide what to put in.

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