Friday, December 09, 2005

Just got some cute cardinal tetras and cherry barbs from a bro who gave them to me to make way for his up and coming "love"interest, guppies.

However, due to the limited size of my tank, I have distributed the cherries to my sis and mom-in-law but I kept all the (almost 20) cardinals. : P Didn't count them as I was in a rush to give the fishes away and put them into my first 2 ft planted tank. They really brings out the colour in my tank. Glad that I have them.

I have also found that I have algae growing on my Singapore moss. Had just throw them into the shrimp tank for the clean up crew to work their wonders. Seems to work pretty well. Cannot see the algae anymore. : ) Got another batch with the same algae problem. Likely let the shrimps work their wonders again this weekend. : P

I have just found 4 pregnant shrimps instead of 1! Actually got 2 pregnant shrimps but one big one seems to have released her shrimplets. Just found them yesterday when looking at them in my shrimp tank.

New additions: Tiger Lilies!!! Found 3 stalks of Tiger lily (more to purple color type) at $1 at 8 Star Aquarium. Have placed them into my 2 planted tanks already. Now I wonder if they would grow using a 36W lighting. If cannot, will shift them all to the first planted tank. Now is to pray for them to grow well in my tanks.

Will post the new pictures and update the tanks' profile on a later date. Stay tuned!!

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