Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Have just taken a few pics of my first planted tank. Below is the updated setup for it.

2 ft planted tank setup:
Filter: Ehiem 2213 canister filter
Light: Magnum II 55W PL light set
Flora: 2 x Tiger lily, java moss, Echinodorus angustifolius (hair grass), Microsorum pteropus 'Windelov' (java fern), Cryptocoryne beckettii, 1 unknown plant (for now)
Fauna: 2 dwarf mollies, 34 white cloud mountain minnow, 4 cherry barbs, 2 rummy nose, 20 cardinal tetras and 1 oto
Other accessaries: 80mm DIY fan

Above is the updated pic with the newly added cardinals. They really adds colour to the tank.

Above is a close shot of the cardinals in my tank. They are rather small and cute.

Above is another shot taking the cardinals.

I recently have added those plants that have hair algae into the shrimp tank in hope to feed the shrimps and also clear the irritating algae from the plants before I replant them. Below is the current state the tank is now.

It looks really messy but I think the shrimps would lile it. Once they have cleared out the hair algae, I would be tying the java ferns onto driftwood and also the java moss and Singapore moss. I was thinking of tying the singapore moss on a plastic mesh to form either a moss wall or carpet. Maybe doing soon.

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