Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Have bought 5 Kuhli loach from Ben's new shop (Wu Fu Aquarium) today. Below is the picture of how they look like.

Looks like they are trying to get comfortable with each other. Hope they would help me control the snail population in my planted tank which seems to be expanding rapidly. These loaches are nice additions to my planted tank. Had put 3 in my first planted tank and 2 in the low maintenance tank. Too bad the other 2 in the low maintenance planted tank are hiding somewhere (found 1 under a driftwood) but cannot locate the other.

Also had rearrange the tiger lily that I bought for the first tank. It was found floating on the water but I was to lazy to plant it until today. Below is the picture of where it is located now.

Seems too big for my small tank. : ( Also now the right side of the tank looks very bare. Need to think of how to rescape the tank later with what I have.

1 comment:

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