Thursday, February 02, 2006

Was home really late (12am) so since I went to get a wooden air stone, I have decided to to setup my DIY CO2. I have did DIY CO2 before so I get to reuse the old equipement that were already done up so cut down on my time for this setup.

Initially wanted to use the 1.5L one for the 2 ft planted tank but the cap is different from the normal ones so in the end, I have decided to use a 500ml pet bottle for the solution instead. I also changed my mind and use the DIY CO2 for my new 1 ft cube shrimp tank instead, in hope that the moss would grow better and cover most of the bogwood in there. Also shrimps are also taking out my moss so need them to grow faster. Some forumer mentioned that 500ml bottle would need to refill more often. Oh dear, I did not thought of this... Initial want to have a small bottle so I can hide behind the tank. May change to a bigger bottle to let the CO2 last longer.

I do notice that the temperature is rather high, can see it goes higher than 29 degrees (which is bad for moss and my shrimps). Would monitor this and if it gets worse, would have to use DIY fan on this tank. : P

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