Monday, January 23, 2006

It has been more than a week since the last update... Quite busy with the CNY stuff so slacken in updating this blog. However, I still have some updates to my aquarium blog.

There has been several deaths of rummy noses (mostly from 2 ft planted tank), death of a dwarf molly (not so lively recently when I see it) and 2 cherry barbs. The cherry barbs died of dropsy while I still cannot determine the cause of deaths for the 5 rummy nose and dwarf molly. With the smaller numbers, hopefully the tanks would be more stable and have lesser deaths. "Crossing my fingers"!

My tiger lily still does not grow well (more like get eaten or rotting off). Was rather pissed off by them and would ignore them until they all gone before I throw them away. : ( I still could not decide what is the cause.

I have just gave the last batch of guppies to my sister yesterday (she has high death rates but I need room for my cherry shrimps). Her tank is more stable now. I would be getting the cherry shrimps today (20 cherry shrimps in total) and also buying 3 more kuhli loaches from Kenkht (likely get from him this evening as well). I still have some female guppies and guppy fries just to add colour to my tanks and also in case I need more. With the cherries coming onboard, I had to try to tie my Singapore moss on my bogwoood before they arrive (at least 60% done or more if I'm lazy : P). Also have shifted the 18W standing lamp to be used for my 1 ft cube tank now. The 1 ft shrimp tank is now using a 9W table lamp that I brought from my old house. I was hoping that the cherry shrimps that I buy would be able to get accustom to their new environment so that they would look red red when my guests comes on 4 Feb 06 for my house warming. Praying hard no deaths too. : P

I have been to NA aka "Nature Aquarium" and their aquarium accessaries are quite cheap but with the distance, I have to settle for somewhere nearer. I also brought another small tank ($6) and a Atman HOF ($6) as well. May use the small tank to put in my office when my cherry shrimps have many babies. : )

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