Thursday, September 07, 2006

More cardinals and neons

My mother in law has asked my wife to ask me to get the cardinals and neon tetras from her house as they are dying batch by batch recently. Even I could not find the cause. Well, they will join the rest of my fishes in the BBA infested Planted Tank 2 (almost all plants gone now). I still planning how to clean up this tank. Also I found that the flowrate of the canister filter is rather bad (quite some time since I give it a cleanup. So yesterday, I did water change, clean the filter and introduce the fishes to their new home. They seems to be able to adapt to their new environment well, even if they are still a little pale. Hope they can survive in this tank. The flowrate of the canister filter improved quite a bit after the cleanup. Looks like I need to be schedule the maintenance of the filters more often in order not to affect their flowrate.

Will be joining a group of aquarium hobbist from AquaticQuotient (AQ) on a Farm Excursion this Saturday (9 Sept 06). Hope not to spend too much. : P

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