Monday, July 03, 2006

Planted Tank 2 rescaping in progress and minor updates

Finally had time to get myself to clean up the BBA from the Planted Tank 2 and also rescaped it with the plants that I have. Had to brush the rocks to remove the BBAs before I place them back in. The water was very cloudy at first but had settled down in about 3 hours. After a few days still see the BBA growing on the rocks and substrate again. Feel that the battle with BBA is never end! Will post a picture of the new scape when I have time.

Also a cardinal has jumped to its death. My wife found it but it was too late as it has already dried up. Hopefully the other fishes don't do that again. Also a scarlet badis has died too. I think it cannot find live food and starved to death. I do not feed my fishes live food so will not get anymore scarlet badis. : (

My HOF are getting dirty again. Furthermore I just cleaned the shallow tank recently. Looks like clean within 2-3 weeks is no joke. Can see the dirt/mulm in there. So unsightly. : (

Since my wife is sick, I have been taking care of her for a week already. She is fine now so that means I might have a little more spare time on my hands to do the maintenance. Actually, my hobbies like to take turms as I was rather busy with the outdoor plants (my mini garden outside my house). That also takes up some of my time to take care of them. Not sure when my interest for aquatic stuff comes back to bug me, maybe when I get myself some Crystal Red Shrimp (CRS)!

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