Friday, April 21, 2006

Macro shots using my digicam (just found out it how to tweak the setting accidentally!)

Was playing with my digicam yesterday and taking some photos of my fishes. I almost wanted to get a new digicam to take macro shots but when I found out that my tweaking some settings and using max zoom, my marco shots turns out sharp but colour is a little dark. Need to use photoshop to adjust so it looks better. So went snapping away and post some shots that I think looks alright.

Above are my white cloud minow in my 2 ft low maintenance planted tank. Some are either fat or pregnant. Since they need colder water to breed (22 degree), I have no choice but let them be. They are always hungry so had to feed quite a bit more usually (this tank got more than 50 fishes in there with rummy noses and a drawf platy. They swim at the top layer of the tank.

With my white cloud minow is also a female drawf platy, donated by my sis since they bit her pearl scale goldfish. Had 3 but 2 died. Was meant to be small but made fat by me. Not so small as it seems. Hao chi hao zhu, of course fat what!

These are my rummy noses in the same tank. Not easy to take them since they are always moving around. Finally see some fighting with the current so can take them. They are always hungry and fast swimmers as well. However, they are gentle fishes and can be used to test water conditions by their rummy nose (red means water ok. No red means water not so good) but since not all have rummy nose (some very red while some no red at all), so just take it as a guide, not a test kit. : P

Another 2 pictures of my rummy nose. See what I mean by some red, some no red at all. : )

This is my malayan shrimp in the planted tank. Saw it grazing the subtrate.

Above are my cherry barbs and cardinals in the 2 ft planted tank. Both are big and fat already. Should see the cardinals when they first came into my tank. They were so small and now, big and fat. Should be those you see in LFS selling at "XL" or "L" cardinals. Jealous right?!? Both make nice combinations since my boraras are too small.

1 of the 4 Boraras uropthalmoides died this morning. So sad. The rest of the 3 are still around. Hopefully they will live on.

Just noticed the smallest scarlet badis seems not eating. Got a sunken stomach. Will monitor for a few more days. Then might transfer him to my shrimp tank to see how.

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