Wednesday, January 25, 2006

I have decided to redecorate the shallow tank since the wooden steps that I have previously bought are unable to withstand the weight of someone stepping on it. I was in Daiso yesterday and have found more suitable wooden steps instead. Also felt that the glass tank looks ugly as it is so also got some wooden boards to cover the sides. After spending some time to redecorate the shallow tank. Below is how the "new look" looks like.

I have also used the wooden steps to hide the power cable for the HOF. Even my wife says it is nicer now.

Also I have some pictures for the 1 ft cube shrimp tank to show you. Some were taken by my wife. : )

In this picture, can see 2 of my cherry shrimps on the left and 3 malayan shrimps on the right. You should have noticed that the malayan shrimps are around 3 times the size of the small cherry shrimps. : O

This is a close up picture of 2 malayan shrimps. The lower one is one of my red malayan shrimp. Due to flash it does not look so red now.

Another picture of my red malayan. : )

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