Finally, managed to get decent photos for my aquarium tanks.
2 ft planted tank setup:
Filter: Ehiem 2213 canister filter
Light: Magnum II 55W PL light set
Flora: Tiger lily, java moss, Echinodorus angustifolius (hair grass), Microsorum pteropus 'Windelov' (java fern), Cryptocoryne beckettii, 1 unknown plant (for now)
Fauna: 2 dwarf mollies, 44 white cloud mountain minnow, 4 cherry barbs, 2 rummy nose, and 1 oto
Other accessaries: 80mm DIY fan
Remarks: I intent to wait for the tall grass to grow longer before shifting them to the back of the tank. Also would be adding 1 or 2 piece of java moss on driftwood when they are ready.
2 ft low maintenance planted tank setup:
Filter: Overhead filter (OHF)
Light: JEBO 36W PL light set
Flora: 2 big nanas, taiwan moss, Microsorum pteropus 'Windelov' (java fern)
Fauna: 25 cherry barbs, 6 swordtails, 1 sucker fish
Other accessaries: None
Remarks. Intent to use as a low maintenance tank. Would likely have java moss, taiwan moss and java ferns inside this tank. However, since the moss are not ready to put into the tank (scare the fishes disturbing them), would place them in when the moss are ready.
1 ft low maintenance planted shrimp tank setup:
Filter: Sponge filter and JEBO F-300 Hang on filter (HOF)
Light: IKEA standing lamp with 9W light
Flora: 5 small nanas, taiwan moss, java moss
Fauna: 30 Malayan shrimps + shrimplets
Other accessaries: None
Remarks: Still waiting for my shrimplets to grow to adults but does not seems to be the case. Suffered a few casualties as it seem the shrimps have jumped out of the tank to their dealths. That is what the black mesh behind the tank is intended.