Thursday, December 29, 2005

Have bought some fishing lines (3mm) so can start to complete my moss tying for the driftwood that I still in the low maintenance planted tank. Should have enough for me to complete this moss keeping project. Anyway can see the half done up effect in the picture below for the second planted tank.

Status update:
I have isolated the 3 kuhlis into a container on 24 Dec 05 before I go Port Dickson on 25 Dec 05. Have fed them tubifex worms that I bought from C328 before I left. The tubifex worms are no longer there when I came back home. : ) That looks like a good sign. I have also introduced sinking food and fish food for them but does not look good as there are many left overs lying around. : ( Just throw in a snail into their container hoping they would eat it or at least the snail can try to help me clean up the mess made by the food. Will throw in a few more snails this evening(if I can find them as they seems to know I want to catch them today as I cannot find them at all this morning).

No more sighting of ich on my swordtails today. This is the 2nd day of ich free for my fishes. Since the ich might be free swimming now and looking for a host to attach on, will monitor the fishes in this tank. Have thought of increasing the temp to 30 degress but scared my plants cannot take the heat. If really gets out of hand, will fish the affected fishes out and use medication on them (need to find a container big enough, may borrow from my sis).

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Managed to get DC back and took the pictures of the rescaped planted tank that I have. Below are the updated pictures.

First Planed Tank:

Added some new forground plants but cannot determine what it is yet. Also tied taiwan moss on a driftwood on the right and redo the one on the right as well. This is to provide more swimming space for the fishes in the center of the tank. Also allow me to see them better.

Second Planted Tank:

The center piece still remains but now added some Singapore Moss onto it. Due to not enough fishing line, will complete it some other day. I also shifted the driftwood with java fern to the right and place a bogwood with java moss on the right.

Have also bought 2 thermometers for my 2 planted tanks. Can see them in the left/right hand side for both tanks. May shift them to the back since they look odd at the current position.

Also bought a 1 ft cube today from Vincent (lives near where I live). Very knowledgeable guy and glad to know him. Not too sure what to do with the tank now but got intention to have a Cherry Shrimp tank or keep corys and kuhli loach there. Since I have not decided where to place the new tank, will decide once I decide where to place it.

Status update:
Found that the ich on the swordtails are gone. Will monitor for the next few days before I decide what to to do. Either take out the affected fishes and use medication or leave them alone to recover from the ich. Don't see ich on my fishes in the first planted tank anymore.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Found another death of one of my kuhli loach yesterday. Too sad to talk about it. Have posted in some forum on how to take care of them. Hope the information provided is enough to keep them alive. Somemore I would be going to Malaysia on a holiday trip for 2 days. Not sure come back is there any of them left. : ( Til next time.....

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Another death today. : ( A guppy that I bought was found dead under a driftwood. May be due to water problem.

Went to Fu Wo Aquarium and bought a pot of foreground to cover my 2 planted tanks foreground, other than the hair grass that I'm using.. The lady boss inform me that they require high light. Have planted some in a tank with 36W light. Hope they can grow well there.

I noticed that my rummy noses are losing colour and looks pale. It might be due to some general aid (trying to cure a sick cardinal) had spilled over into the tank. Had changed 15% of the water yesterday. Also added some liquid BB and fertilizer. After a while, found that my rummy noses is red again.: ) This proves that they are good indicator for water condition. However, they seems to isolate within themselves and not swimming freely. May consider buying more rummy nose to join them.

Also bought 2 thermometers to determine the 2 planted tank temperature. Since got slight outbreak of ich (found by my sis a few days ago after I rescape the tanks). Since small amount, I have turned off the fan and leave the lights on to warm the water for the tanks. The temperature is close to 30 degress (wat I want) so it is still ok. Will monitor them for a while and if it gets worse, would take out the affected fishes and use medication to treat them. So far the fishes looks ok. No major scratching on the rocks or driftwood.

Monday, December 19, 2005

There are 3 dealths for my fishes for this week. : (

The algae eating catfish was found upside down beside a pot with java moss. It did not move when I knock on the tank. Don't know why it died but likey due to overeating of algae (too many there in the container and I see green shit scattered in the container), my malayan shrimp attacked it (tail got hurt) or cannot adapt to the new environment.

On Saturday, 1 Cardinal tetra was swimming funny in my tank. Took it out and lightly dose with general aid seems to recover a bit but later in the evening, found that it's body started to bend. (dying soon) I had to end its suffering by giving it a painless death. : (

On evening, found that one of my Kuhli loach lying on its side. It was turning pale when I last saw it and finally it died on me. Just got the fella on Thursday only. : (

Finally got my act together to rescape my 2 planted tank to what I want after all the talking about it on 17 Dec 05. Did not wait for my Vallisneria americana (gigantea) or big version of grass plant to grow longer since they do not seem to grow well at all (after a combine attack from catfish and oto since no algae for them to eat). Here is the update for the 2 tanks.

First Planted tank:
Moved the cherry barbs to my low maintenance tank to the first planted tank. They seems not able to compete well with the swordtails for food. Also planted all the tiger lily into this tank. Main scape design a inverted U for a more spacious center for me to see the fishes. Previous aquascape was too crowded behind and cannot see the fishes hiding behind well enough. Have also replanted my hair grass as they seems to stop spreading. This would help them to spread more over the surface of the spacious center.

On Sunday, bought another 5 guppies to be placed in the first planted tank. To add colour to my planted tank.

Low maintenance Planted Tank:
Moved the white cloud mountain minnow to the low maintenance tank (since they compete too well for food compared to other faunas in the same tank) and seems to be fine with the swordtails. Did some minor changes to the aquascape compared to the previous setup. Just added a additional bogwood with java moss and removed a empty driftwood to be used as a shelter for the kulli loach in my first planted tank. Also planted hair grass to provide some foreground plants and all my Cryptocoryne beckettii in hope that they would grow better in this tank.

No pictures available as I have borrow my DC to my bro-in-law. Once I get it back will update the pictures with the information in them.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Have bought 5 Kuhli loach from Ben's new shop (Wu Fu Aquarium) today. Below is the picture of how they look like.

Looks like they are trying to get comfortable with each other. Hope they would help me control the snail population in my planted tank which seems to be expanding rapidly. These loaches are nice additions to my planted tank. Had put 3 in my first planted tank and 2 in the low maintenance tank. Too bad the other 2 in the low maintenance planted tank are hiding somewhere (found 1 under a driftwood) but cannot locate the other.

Also had rearrange the tiger lily that I bought for the first tank. It was found floating on the water but I was to lazy to plant it until today. Below is the picture of where it is located now.

Seems too big for my small tank. : ( Also now the right side of the tank looks very bare. Need to think of how to rescape the tank later with what I have.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Have just taken a few pics of my first planted tank. Below is the updated setup for it.

2 ft planted tank setup:
Filter: Ehiem 2213 canister filter
Light: Magnum II 55W PL light set
Flora: 2 x Tiger lily, java moss, Echinodorus angustifolius (hair grass), Microsorum pteropus 'Windelov' (java fern), Cryptocoryne beckettii, 1 unknown plant (for now)
Fauna: 2 dwarf mollies, 34 white cloud mountain minnow, 4 cherry barbs, 2 rummy nose, 20 cardinal tetras and 1 oto
Other accessories: 80mm DIY fan

Above is the updated pic with the newly added cardinals. They really adds colour to the tank.

Above is a close shot of the cardinals in my tank. They are rather small and cute.

Above is another shot taking the cardinals.

I recently have added those plants that have hair algae into the shrimp tank in hope to feed the shrimps and also clear the irritating algae from the plants before I replanted them. Below is the current state the tank is now.

It looks really messy but I think the shrimps would like it. Once they have cleared out the hair algae, I would be tying the java ferns onto driftwood and also the java moss and Singapore moss. I was thinking of tying the singapore moss on a plastic mesh to form either a moss wall or carpet. Maybe doing soon.
Have just taken a few pics of my first planted tank. Below is the updated setup for it.

2 ft planted tank setup:
Filter: Ehiem 2213 canister filter
Light: Magnum II 55W PL light set
Flora: 2 x Tiger lily, java moss, Echinodorus angustifolius (hair grass), Microsorum pteropus 'Windelov' (java fern), Cryptocoryne beckettii, 1 unknown plant (for now)
Fauna: 2 dwarf mollies, 34 white cloud mountain minnow, 4 cherry barbs, 2 rummy nose, 20 cardinal tetras and 1 oto
Other accessaries: 80mm DIY fan

Above is the updated pic with the newly added cardinals. They really adds colour to the tank.

Above is a close shot of the cardinals in my tank. They are rather small and cute.

Above is another shot taking the cardinals.

I recently have added those plants that have hair algae into the shrimp tank in hope to feed the shrimps and also clear the irritating algae from the plants before I replant them. Below is the current state the tank is now.

It looks really messy but I think the shrimps would lile it. Once they have cleared out the hair algae, I would be tying the java ferns onto driftwood and also the java moss and Singapore moss. I was thinking of tying the singapore moss on a plastic mesh to form either a moss wall or carpet. Maybe doing soon.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Just got some cute cardinal tetras and cherry barbs from a bro who gave them to me to make way for his up and coming "love"interest, guppies.

However, due to the limited size of my tank, I have distributed the cherries to my sis and mom-in-law but I kept all the (almost 20) cardinals. : P Didn't count them as I was in a rush to give the fishes away and put them into my first 2 ft planted tank. They really brings out the colour in my tank. Glad that I have them.

I have also found that I have algae growing on my Singapore moss. Had just throw them into the shrimp tank for the clean up crew to work their wonders. Seems to work pretty well. Cannot see the algae anymore. : ) Got another batch with the same algae problem. Likely let the shrimps work their wonders again this weekend. : P

I have just found 4 pregnant shrimps instead of 1! Actually got 2 pregnant shrimps but one big one seems to have released her shrimplets. Just found them yesterday when looking at them in my shrimp tank.

New additions: Tiger Lilies!!! Found 3 stalks of Tiger lily (more to purple color type) at $1 at 8 Star Aquarium. Have placed them into my 2 planted tanks already. Now I wonder if they would grow using a 36W lighting. If cannot, will shift them all to the first planted tank. Now is to pray for them to grow well in my tanks.

Will post the new pictures and update the tanks' profile on a later date. Stay tuned!!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Finally, managed to get decent photos for my aquarium tanks.

2 ft planted tank setup:
Filter: Ehiem 2213 canister filter
Light: Magnum II 55W PL light set
Flora: Tiger lily, java moss, Echinodorus angustifolius (hair grass), Microsorum pteropus 'Windelov' (java fern), Cryptocoryne beckettii, 1 unknown plant (for now)
Fauna: 2 dwarf mollies, 44 white cloud mountain minnow, 4 cherry barbs, 2 rummy nose, and 1 oto
Other accessaries: 80mm DIY fan
Remarks: I intent to wait for the tall grass to grow longer before shifting them to the back of the tank. Also would be adding 1 or 2 piece of java moss on driftwood when they are ready.

2 ft low maintenance planted tank setup:
Filter: Overhead filter (OHF)
Light: JEBO 36W PL light set
Flora: 2 big nanas, taiwan moss, Microsorum pteropus 'Windelov' (java fern)
Fauna: 25 cherry barbs, 6 swordtails, 1 sucker fish
Other accessaries: None
Remarks. Intent to use as a low maintenance tank. Would likely have java moss, taiwan moss and java ferns inside this tank. However, since the moss are not ready to put into the tank (scare the fishes disturbing them), would place them in when the moss are ready.

1 ft low maintenance planted shrimp tank setup:
Filter: Sponge filter and JEBO F-300 Hang on filter (HOF)
Light: IKEA standing lamp with 9W light
Flora: 5 small nanas, taiwan moss, java moss
Fauna: 30 Malayan shrimps + shrimplets
Other accessaries: None
Remarks: Still waiting for my shrimplets to grow to adults but does not seems to be the case. Suffered a few casualties as it seem the shrimps have jumped out of the tank to their dealths. That is what the black mesh behind the tank is intended.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Have removed my hortwort and najas from my planted tank as they are difficult to maintain (needs frequent trimming).

I have also tied the 2 big nanas on a big driftwood as I have got a hard time trying to plant it into the sand. I have placed it in my another planted tank.

04 Dec 05
Just change the layout of my shrimp tank. I have removed the big driftwood with java moss and replaced with 3 smaller piece of driftwood with java fern and java moss. Have also added the small nanas along the side of the tank. Will post the photo soon.

Have placed the big driftwood.with java moss in my 2 ftplanted tank. Original intention was to put the bogwood with java moss and algae into the shrimp tank but is is too tall so killed the idea. Will post the photo soon.