Friday, October 26, 2007

More galaxies onboard!!!

I have decided to skip my meditation class and go get some more Galaxy Rasboras as I think my tank is suitable to keep these cuties as I was around Clementi area after work. I could not restrain my urge and as my wife also asked me to join her for dinner, I made the plunge, skip class and get my galaxies.

Polyart has lesser stock of them now, compared to last week when I came to get 5 of them. It seems that the aquarists has started to stop buying them to prevent these fishes from over-fishing. Those aquarists whom has these nice fishes are trying to breed them. Information regarding breeding them is limited but with some successful attempts, it seems there is hope for these fishes to become popular again...

I managed to get 10 more pieces of the galaxies and they are now in my tank at home, with the rest of the other 5. As this blog serve as a journal for my hobby, I would like to provide some information of what I have for the tank setup. The galaxies seems a bit bigger than the earlier batch. I have another blog for that but I think it might be good to put this one here as well. Below are the equipment that I have.

Tanks size: 2 x x ft tank
Light: 55W Magnium II PL light set (on from 7pm - 11pm)
Filter: Ehiem Ecco 2232 (400L/h)
Gravel: Lapis sand
Fan: None
Temp: 27 - 29 (Estimate)
Fauna: Boraras, 15 Rasbora Galaxy, 2 Cardinal Tetra, 2 Rummy nose, 2 dwarf molly, cherry shrimps, 12 yamato shrimps, grass shrimps
Plants: Spiky (bogwood), java fern, stringy moss (loss form), crypts

As I go not have any water test kits, I cannot provide much information on my water condition. The water is age water with Genesis (water conditioner) added. I'm worried that the eggs might become food for the yamotos or dwarf molly (potential threat) so I might shift some galaxies to another tank (shallow tank with my young guppy fries). They might stand a higher chance of survival but I would not be able to monitor them. I would be adding more hiding space (more moss and change my aquascape for this purpose. Have not decided what to do yet. Any opinions?

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Microrasbora sp. Galaxy is here to stay!

I was wondering should I get the cuties when I found them at Polyart Aquarium last Friday. I was worried that the initial experience of these nice fishes mentioned that they do not feed well. I really don't want to kill them in my tanks but my wife convinced me to get some.

So in the end I bought 5 pc and brought them home. : )

For those who don't know who these fishes are, below is a picture that I have taken off the internet.

Luckily, my 5 Microrasbora sp. Galaxy has been doing well in my tank. There seems that there is a couple in the mix (1 of them kept chasing the other one). I must admit they looked so nice once their colour starts to come out (the blue or black background on their body). They have been feeding well with the food that I fed them, which was a concern as I'm worried that they might not like it. I will keep monitor them for a while before I decide whether should I get more of them, at least another 5 more. : )